- Please visit the SUDOCO.eu website
- Opening Wind AI lab
- NWEA-Windmakers:
- The next airbender (PodCast)
- HKN project in Venster magazine
- Contributed to an EenVandaag Item
- TU Delft on board the world largest crane vessel for exploring future Offshore Wind Turbines
- Drijvende windturbine balanceert op golf en wind – KIJK Magazine
- TU Delft doet op ‘s werelds grootste kraanschip onderzoek naar windmolens (nationaleonderwijsgids.nl)
- Windmolens zo ver mogelijk uit het zicht: TU Delft doet onderzoek naar hoe dat kan | Omroep Delft
- Expert Elicitation on Wind Farm Control now available online
- The ‘Helix’ (see this link for the details) part of the Crosswind Project
- August 2020: With our group we will contribute to a new innovative windfarm in which we will further develop wind farm control technologies (also check the press release of Shell and Eneco)
- Sept 2020: Ph.D. defense of Sebastiaan Mulders (wind turbine control) and Bart Doekemeijer (wind farm control)
- July 2020: 4 open Ph.D. positions in the field of (floating) wind turbine and wind farm control
- May 2020: the ‘Helix’ paper now in WE (for movie see the end of my inaugural speech)
- Here you can find the recording of my inaugural speech
- November 2019: Inaugural Speech “Smart wind farms”
- Oktober: Call for papers for open invited session (IFAC 2020)
- September 2019: Check our latest paper on dynamic induction control
- May. 2019: received VIDI grant
- Jan. 2018: Software now also on Github: FLORIS, PBSID toolbox
- Dec. 2017: Appointed Full Professor